Solari Architects specialise in multi-unit, residential and commercial throughout NZ

We take your vision from pictures, words, half-formed or full-formed ideas and “ya knows” and translate them into architecture representative of your values, goals and personality. Our strengths lie in multi-unit, residential and commercial architecture projects where we work on the small and the large.

We’re all about less ego, more client. We know it’s cliché but the world is a village and our reputation is everything. Our work is the most vocal representation of our brand.

That’s everything from the way we communicate with our clients, consultants and local authorities, the documentation of our work, our interaction with contractors and of course the quality of the build.

We are all a bunch of architecture nerds at heart. The challenge of a project, be it a complex site or budget constraints, is exciting as it forces creativity and efficiency. We crave opportunities to solve real housing problems through great living solutions more than chocolate, coffee and wine combined. We continue to educate ourselves at all times to be the trusted advisors that our clients need us to be